How To Position Yourself Now
To Profit from a Trump Victory

LIVE Virtual Training

Sept. 12th, 2024 | 7:00 pm/est

***Limited Availability***

3 Key Reasons To Attend:

Insights from the First Trump Rally (2016 - 2020).

After Trump was elected on Nov. 8, 2016 the American economy and stock market experienced an unprecedented economic boom. The S&P 500 surged over 50% from 2016-2020 and the Dow topped 30,000 for the first time in history. A lot of these wins had to do with the major cuts Trump made to corporate tax rates – something he promised and delivered on with the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. If Trump wins in November there’s a high likelihood we’ll see another Trump Rally.

What To Do Now To Profit from the Next Trump Rally.

If you want to see exponential gains in your portfolio you have to know 3 things: a) which stocks to buy, b) when to buy them, and c) when to sell them. Nobody has a crystal ball to predict the future, but you can learn to identify profit trade setups, which is what Mark will show you how to do in this live training. Yes you want to “buy low and sell high” but how to actually do this is the key.

The Top Sectors To Most Likely Surge After November.

Spoiler alert: it probably won’t be “green energy.” Trump has been very adamant about his plans to bolster domestic oil and gas production. This is just one example of an industry that will likely see unusual growth following a Trump victory. In this presentation you’ll also see how the financial, manufacturing, tech and healthcare industries fared under Trump’s last term and what to expect in 2024-2028 (and what you can do today to profit from these growth sectors).

The First Stock Market Trump Rally

Trump’s 2016 election triggered a rally that lasted until early 2018.

Sectors That Surged In Last Trump Rally

The financial sector was a huge winner as a result of the deregulation the market anticipated and then saw when Trump signed the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act in 2018.


Mark Wilburn


Mark is president and co-founder of NEOS Capital Development Group and the author of Understanding The Matthew Effect. Over the last decade, Mark has trained thousands of people to properly invest and create wealth using the financial markets.

Over the years, he has used his own proprietary courses at NEOS to empower countless people to step into realms of financial prosperity they didn't believe possible.

Mark is also a co-founder of hedge fund, Apeiron Capital. He has been an itinerant speaker for many conferences, businesses, and ministries. Mark has a passion to empower others with financial skills, while also helping them recognize their true potential and greatness.

Mark resides in Georgia with his wife of 11 years and 4 beautiful boys.

LIVE Virtual Training

Sept. 12th, 2024 | 7:00 pm/est

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